Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Building some order

I've added my spun yarns to my stash in Ravelry. Great to have some way of tracking what I'm doing. They are in there as are my knitted rug photos. 
The woolies out in the field will need some dosing soon - so much rain recently that I'm concerned about the fluke worm. Weather report says scattered showers - and so it is, with nice sun in between - but I know the next scatter will arise when I set out to round up my little flock.
They are mixed lowland sheep - 50% Texel and then 25% of other breeds including Cheviot and Suffolk - so some have long white (and surprisingly soft) wool while others have shorter, more Down-type fleece. 
Ironically, I decided to get some self-shedding sheep last year after shearing 19 woolies and I have such a ram and 5 ewes (origin is Iolo Ownes Welsh flock via imports to Ireland some going to Meath, some to Tipperary and Kerry). I want to breed these girls and create 3 fresh ram blood lines over several years but the woolies will stay - as I now appreciate their fleeces. 
I'm about to get some Galway sheep fleece from a local man with a bigger flock than mine. Looking forward to that!

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