Friday, May 30, 2014

Gorse and heather yarn ball

The yarn that spun from the formerly posted Gorse and Heather batt:

I've put the details on Ravelru (oisin10708) and in etsy (droimAnUan)



Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Heather and Gorse Batts

I mixed red and blue in equal quantities to get a heathery color. The locks were flick-carded then drum added together, a layer of blue followed by a layer of red and repeat then the batt drum-carded three more times. A second batt consisting of flick-carded yellow  and white locks was drum carded once then carded with the heather side-by-side. 

Have to decide how to spin it - cross-ways or long-ways - giving short runs of color or longer runs of color when plied. Should be fun either way.
