Saturday, November 28, 2020

More Chubut Spun

 Fractal spinning was a lot of fun to do especially during lockdown.

The rovings waiting to be spun:

Setting up the fibers:
99 gms of each color ; 
each color divided into three
set 1: 33 gms of red (R), black (B), cream(C)
set 2: 16.5 gms of each color X 2 in sequence RBC x2
set 3: 11 gms of each color X 3 in sequence RBC x3

Each tray spun into lace weight singles on 3 spools

3 Plys keep changing colours in strips - which makes spinning interesting;

Fractal 3 ply spun on swift

Chubut fractal WPI around 9

Overall result: 259 gms, 9 wpi, 301 m/330 yards
Soft to the touch fairly even.

This is the loveliest fibre I've experienced. Although very fine (16.6 mic), the fibers are fairly long and easy to spin.
The dying was excellent too - almost no bleed at all when soaked to set in hand-hot water.

There was a little roving left over from the fractal prep - Red, Black and Cream adding up to 45 grams
This was spin in to a graduated lace weight giving 183 yards/167.3 m 
I've knitted a swatch using 3.25 mm needles first then 4 mm needles and decided on the 4 mm for a little project.

I've planned to make a little scare with gr=arter stitch and lace knitting (I've holes) as follows:
C/O 30 
Garter stitch 10 rows
K4 (YO 2 tog) x 11, K4
K4 P 22 K4
K2 (YO SSK) x 13, K2
K2 P26 K2
Repeat this until color change comes up, the Garter stitch 4 rows then begin pattern again.

The swatch showed me that it is important not to use 2 tog all the time as this will lead to skewing the lace to the right. The SSK fixes this although it is a bit annoying to do.

Adding rows of garter stitch tends to keep the pattern straight and underscored the color changes. Hoping to get a bit of satisfaction out of this while planning the next (and last for now) spinning adventure - the autumnal orange and tan 2 ply from the last rovings.

Next post: what twisted the lace knit and how to fix the pattern to suit the handspun.

Tuesday, November 17, 2020


 Entering second partial lockdown November 2020, I decided to treat myself to some luxury fibre so I could spin something interesting during this time. I've haunted all the walking sports pithing 5 kg of my house and really miss the beaches which are out of bounds.

I ordered from my favorate source, Wolleknoll, Oberot-Neuhausen , Germany. Their web site has an English language version and I get their catalog. I love that it is so easy to distinguish exactly what is on offer with details such as Price/Kg, number of microns clearly indicated on each fibres type. Thecolors are lovely too.

I went for two packs of Chubut assorted colours, 16.5 microns. It is easy to track the order and it arrived in a few days. 

The fibre is very very soft yet easy enough to spin.

I've played around with it without any real end-product in mind other than making lots of different sorts of yarn - with color play, different weights/plys and techniques.

First off, I decided to make a chunky three-ply using pink, light green and grey. The pink is a lovely hot color but I'm not mad about hot pink so I "greyed" it down.

Chunky - 6 wraps per inch.

Soaking in warm water with washing up liquid

In a squidgy nest

189 meters/207 yards            303 grams                average 6 WRI chunky        very soft
Not very even - there are spots that bloom along the way - but this allows the individual colours to make a more definite appearance rather than disappear into the marl.

Approk 18 -19 grams each of the solid ping and green were left over so I plied them on themselves and they might be useful for adding small accents to a piece knitted from the marled yarn.

Next a 2-ply using blue and yellow.

I opened the blue roving using carders to facilitate spinning for this one as I planned to spin a finer yarn

Long, silky fibres! Lovely.

I spun these using short forward draw with hands around  6 inches apart . Idid the same with the yellow.

195 grams.        274 meters/300 yards  10 WPI

Next up - a fractal!!!

Using Red (R) , Black (B), Cream (C)

99 Grams of each divided in to 3 ie 33 grams X 3 R, 33 grams B X B, 33 grams C X3

Spool 1: R33g followed by B 33 followed by 33g C. one pattern run

Spool 2: R 16g followed by B 16g followed by C 16g repeated once i.e. 2 pattern runs

Spool 3: R 11g followed by B 11 g followed by C 11g repeated twice i.e. 3 pattern runs

I know the beginning will be solid red blowed by red/black but not sure what exactly will follow in terns of marls and solids - and that's what makes it fun to do!

Here they are lined up ready to spin into singles:

Spinning singles at 24 WPI for each sequence of colours

 Singles lined up for plying 

Spinning in progress

First change of sequence:







and so on.

See : More Chubut spun   Novemebr 28 2020