Glad to say the red hen has healed up after her assault bu Atilla the hen and grown a new comb. They are now buddies and seem inseparable. Atilla laid down some rules on the last introduction - she immediately went into the red's house and laid her white egg in the hay there - couldn't be a clearer signal than that :). Red hen continues to be submissive but there have been no attacks in the past 2 weeks - just a brown and a white egg side by side in the nest. Huddie ASBO dog has taken to sleeping in the garden all night so hopefully the fox won't remove my now harmonious pair.

Seeds for woad, madder and Japanese Indigo grew to a greater or lesser extent. Might get some of the woad for dying in mid July.



After the constraints of spinning even stable singles, it was nice to do some blue woolen and even nicer to spin up some colored noiley stuff for a textured yarn - all fuzzy lumps and bumps. This little lot will probably be woven together - plans are made - maths is done, balls are wound - warp tomorrow - then I'll find out what went wrong with the maths.