Saturday, February 25, 2012

Rufus in a tree

My efforts to trim one of the hedgerow trees seemed to intrigue red cat Rufus.
Standing on a ladder I sawed away with a curved hand saw when suddenly he appeared, mounted the tree, arrived on the saw blade and sat there intil I moved it a little. He then proceeded to the adjacent slender twig-like branches and balanced there throughout the rest of my efforts to saw through and remove the thicker center branch. When I dismounted and dragged the branches away, he stayed up there, on the cut surface of the branch, for an hour.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Two multnomah-type shawls

The small one:
This is the smaller version using yarn I spun from one of my sheep's fleece and dyed it, mainly with food colors.

This is the bigger version. I dyed some roving I got in the UK and edged it with some undyed fleece of my own. It's nice and warm but I still have to remove bits of kempy fiber .
I've dyed some more roving I got there in multi-color - not sure how I'll spin it yet :

Thinking of a thick woolen 'though how that will mesh with all the colors I don't yet know.

Bye for now.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Where was I 'till now ?

So where have I been for nearly a month?
Batteling Windows Vista that's where.
There aren't enough derogatory adjectives for that little beast - grrr. Someone said using it was like riding a bicycle into mud!
It's working again after much investigation, searching, deleting and reinstalling - yet it will soon begin acting up again no doubt. Disturbing was it to find Windows 7 residing along side Vista in the "Help me with.." search results. Time for a new Mac (former one secunded by offspring).

During my first exercise class in a long while, I found my floppy hair quite a nuicence - blinded me every time i rose from a bend, tried to see the teacher or twisted my head to one side. Either I get a more thorough hair cut (which I avoid as I find it required more commercial attention than a medium one) or I find a means to hold the hir off my face.
This one from Ravelry patterns, Blue Leaf Headband by Adrienne Krey has worked out well for me using 3 strands held together of Old Maiden Aunt handpainted merino bamboo 4 ply .

This does the job nicely :).
Oh just got a grumble from the computer - better quit while I'm ahead - pun?