Thursday, January 9, 2014

Spindle spun Merino, dyed and now being woven

I finished spinning the 200 grams of fine Merino roving and decided to dye it a moss free for weaving over a cream cotton warp on my Rigid Heddle Loom.
The dye is a mix of mainly yellow Eurolana dye with a very little Eurolana blue (any more than a pinch of the dark blue and the yellow becomes a dark bottle-green in a flash).
Looks like seaweed in the dye pot:

There are 100 warp ends of size 3 DMC 100% cotton with 7.5 dent heddle (about 13 inches wide) . The warps are 72" long

The wefts are the light green merino, Brooks Bouquet over 5 warps then 11 plain picks.
I think I'll just Brooks Bouquet all the way to the end . 
I placed 8 cotton picks at the beginning and hemmed it with cotton, then 4 picks of green before commencing the bouquet pattern. 
I expect to finish it in a few days - maybe.

I've placed images concerning the winter eason on my Love the Seasons blog - the last post was "Late december and New Year 2014 " or some such. Probably will find all sorts of off photos from phones , my camera and my daughter Jennifer's camera which will get added there later.


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