The new lambs (2 singles) look massively cute in their ID collers - one red for EC sheep, one blue for woolie sheep - then to cap it all, Minnie, my smallest (and cutest) ewe (aka a runt) had twins unaided and with major competence - as she did last year. Two more ram lambs! Is this ram shooting mainly Y's??

Minnie and her twins.
That was yesterday - today - April1 - the actual EDD for the lambs - no more appear (so far - the day's not over). This, despite the groaning, gnashing and lying around on their sides with worried faces that the, as yet, undelivered ewes went on with last night.
But then, that's sheep for ya.

Oisin keeps watch - no foxes allowed!
Decided to knit a throw out of the sandstone Galway yarn - have actually managed to sit down and write it's dimensions and the pattern (crochet edges and cable center). Not as hard to do as I feared - but I think there's be some fragging before it's finished.
Oh yes! the manure. Wearing a fair amount of it during the day - anyway, been occupied scooping it from the lambing paddock to add to a compost heap - definitely not so cute - but valuable none the less.
Those lambs are very cute. I love lambs they're so great when they're all running around the fields like lunatics!
I hope the lambing season continues to go as well for you.
I've been catching up with your blog and loving it all.
Yes Laura, they are very cute especially when they form lamb gangs! Hubby left a wooden pallette in the field as he likes seeing them jumping on it and playing "King of the Castle".
Congratulations on the new arrivals. I suppose you are now a grandmother!
yes - I certainly feel like a granny now - or perhaps a midwife.
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