After pruning all round these last dry crisp days. I found the cuttings from that common garden work-horse shrub, Spirea, long and bendy forming the woody basis of a wreath quite easily. I didn't set out to do this but it just seems to transpire, especially since I'd ripped out the dead stems from crocosmia and these make great binders wrapped round the bent wood. (Wonder could I spin them?). The Bay tree had got way too big for it's boots - a harsh frost would burn it's top peeping over a sheltering conifer - so that got incorporated as did an ewe branch and several clippings from variagated Euonymus.
The result:

Of course, Oisin had to get in on the act!

nice, I still have to do mine (I go and "steal", what I want, when DH isn't looking:))
happy christmas and always enough fibres to play with:))
ps. don't know about spinning crocosmia, but you can use the strappy leaves to make small baskets. maybe nz flax leaves would yield better fibres for spinning?
The wreath looks great!
Hadn't been to your blog in a while, you have been busy! Is the alpaca silk scarf from the yarn you were spinning the day I was there? It looks great anyway.
Have a good christmas and maybe see you in the new year - I forgot to buy some fleece from you last time...
Thanks Wolly and Snag.
Oh No - I HAVE NZ flax (Phormium right?). Now I have to try that too!
I can see haow a basket could be made from the crocosmia all right - very tempting!
These comments only got to me now!! and were in the spam - cheek! Grrrr.
I DID have a vey good Christmas and hope you both did too.
Bye for now.
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