This day shows no sympathy, with it's magnificent clear, bright sun and the birds mock me with their chatter. But I am glad to have had the means to end his distress and lay him to rest.
My past twelve years seem to be lying covered in a blanket outside and close by, two singles, one set of twins and one set of triplets gambol about nearby. At least he saw the first of the lambs born and spent his last few days lying by their paddock.
So melancholy am I right now, I'm not sure I should be foisting this on anyone who might happen across it.
Huddie, his adopted brother, seemed bewildered by the change in circumstances. He has a hard act to follow.
The spinning wheel is a good friend at these times. I've plans to spin up these rolags, made from noily batts and ply with another green fiber. That and the lambs should keep me busy.