Fairfield Mill arts and heritage centre in Sedbergh, Cumbria was just glorious!
I want to live there :)!
On the lower floor resides a man setting up reams of yarn on a huge loom for weaving into their plaid and check and other fabric. The atmosphere and smells down there give some inkling of what it might have been like when the whole thing was in full swing - the artistic elements of fabric production subsumed under the practical necessity of commerce.

A beast in the basement!
Then all the fun parts of fabric making lay on the first floor. They were laid out in such a way that a visitor could have a go at weaving on a floor loom (with shaft instrucions and loads of lovely wool yarn to try) or try rag rug hooking or use a French knitting ring - of course, I had a prolpnged go at each. Then there were loads of works in progress and little artists sections where their work was on dispay and in progress - including glass and other media as well as the fabrics. I'll put some of the pictutres I took here:

OK - I have to stop this - there a lots more photos but this page is getting way too long~!
On to my own aquisitions - fiber hoard:
Wensleydale fiber from the sheep of the same name:
Green Wensleydale yarn, muted and slinkey, butterflies in assorted colors, white top.
From Wensleydale Longwool Sheepshop, Cross Lanes Farm, Garriston, Leyburn, North Yorkshire

Blueface Leicester tops "Chrysanthemum" and Handpainted shetland tops "Heather Heath" (with some greens as well as mauves ) from Phillippa Joad at Wheeldale Woolcrafts, Wayside, Sinnington, York