Monday, April 21, 2014

iPhone gansey and coin purse

I've had a problem with change leaping out of the zipped pocket of my purse for some time. It's a great purse for credit cards and note but the plat zipped section is no good for coins so I finally got around to knitting a little purse for coins.
Lindy gave me a bag clasp some time ago and I dug it out. I also dug out the end of a ball of hand-dyed  hand-spun yarn I have a particular liking for to knit the purse body. The stitch pattern used  (Row 1 make 3, k3 together, Row 2 purl, Row 4 k3 together, make 3, Row 4 purl) make a fairly dense fabric with regular raised bumps, staggered between front rows. It knit up quickly and I don't think it needs any lining.

It disgorges its contents into my hand easily and hopefully will reduce the foostering time at the checkout.

The next little stash-buster is an iPhone gansey.
I dislike the bare screen on the phone, especially as it often shares a pocket with my car keys and, in addition, I noticed a little improvement in the temper of the sound the phone produces when it happens to lie under some knitting so I decided to knit it a little gansey/jacket.

The stitch for this is a twisted rib (Row 1 = p1, ktbl, Row 2 = k1, ptbl) which makes a fabric this stretches side-to-side but not much top-to-bottom.

I enjoyed making this pare over springfest :). 


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